Shana Lee Gibson

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Make Your Dreams Happen

Keep working toward your dreams.

It may be surprising to hear that many of us are joyfully living our dreams on a smaller scale.

On the outside, our lives may look the same as everyone else; struggling uphill, paying bills and solving problems. Still, inside, we've found a degree of contentment in fostering our talents.

When I started my filmmaking career 25 years ago, I took different jobs to make ends meet, such as DJing, pet sitting, working in hotels, nannying, selling boats, and telemarketing.

Needless to say, I failed miserably at some of these jobs.

In my spare time, I acted, wrote, stage-managed and produced projects while learning about the film industry. I had a vision and good intentions, but no business experience, so I wasn’t earning much from my art.

What truly mattered to me was the ability to express myself creatively through meaningful and impactful projects, rather than simply focusing on the pursuit of making money as an artist.

Earning money by doing what we love is rewarding.

However, it usually takes time to achieve this! It’s best to find a job that supports your art until you’re full-time.

Consider who you are and what you need. Don’t try to do something you’re not suited to.

For instance, the sensitive gardener shrivels working in a sky-scraper, the go-getter entrepreneur is stifled by the 9-5, and most imaginative artists can’t sustain a sales position.

We all have unique talents that need nurturing. But, how do we balance nurturing our hearts with paying the bills, raising children, preparing for retirement, and helping sick family members?

Over the years, I’ve seen that when I follow my heart, things fall into place, enough money comes, and the right helpers show up at the right time. Still, there are challenges and delays.

Things go wrong and sometimes I wonder how I’ll get out of the pickle I’m in, but because my heart is invested, a solution appears.

By the end of a creative project, I feel stretched yet happy and more knowledgeable, having learned truths about my work and myself.

I believe the answer to finding satisfying work is to set your will on your goal.

‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way.’

Where there's a will, there's a way. 

Our will is our commitment.

Paramahansa Yogananda says, ‘Will means desire plus energy, or “I will act until that desire is fulfilled.”

When we decide to do something and persevere no matter what reverses come, eventually, we’ll reach our goals.

“At the moment of commitment, the entire universe conspires to assist you.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What are you naturally inclined to do? Bring those abilities into your daily life. Start small!

Meeting our responsibilities doesn't need to be painful, and pursuing our talents doesn't have to be full-time to be fulfilling. It’s not always one or the other.

What matters to you and what do you enjoy doing? What are your skills? What do you feel called to do? Identify these and choose a small goal to accomplish. Once you’ve reached your initial goals, you can gradually move toward bigger ones.

In my experience, the loving Universe consistently provides us with what is truly meant for us, when we’re willing to put in the hard work necessary to achieve our goals and when we refuse to be defeated by the challenges and obstacles we encounter along the way.

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