My Experience with ‘Earthing’
‘The Earthing Movie’ A documentary about reconnecting to the earth.
My parents search YouTube for free films and then tell me which ones are worth watching.
When they suggested ‘The Earthing Movie,’ I let the title sit on my phone for a while.
Then I mentioned it to a few people who agreed it was a great doc. I was intrigued but skeptical.
What would this movie teach me about the healing power of nature that I didn’t already know?
Apparently, you could buy items that simulate the grounding effect nature gives. I wasn’t buying it.
No one could sell me a mat or a sheet when I could easily sit barefoot on the lawn or better yet- walk down the hill and put my feet in the ocean.
The movie lingered in my mind. I was hesitant to mention it to my husband.
One dreary night we were scanning our subscriptions for an inspiring doc we hadn’t seen.
Before I knew it, I was murmuring, “Why don’t we go to YouTube and watch The Earthing…”
He readily agreed. I assured him I had no idea what to expect.
What surprised me most was my husband’s enthusiasm. The science made perfect sense to him. Suddenly, we were online researching earthing mats.
They looked bulky, expensive, and uncomfortable. We settled on a sheet made of cotton and silver fibers.
We examined the package when it arrived: A set of instructions, a sheet, and a one-prong plug— way too simple to regulate our biorhythms if you asked me.
Earthing sheet.
We followed the instructions and plugged our mat into the grounding plug. Interestingly, you’re not supposed to sit on the sheet while holding a plugged-in cell phone.
Some laptops, tablets, and smartphones radiate a high voltage that can cause an unpleasant tingling sensation to flow through the body. (Apple gives off the most radiation!)
That freaked me out.
I lay down, anticipating the worst.
What followed was surprising.
Energy flowed through my body in rapid succession. Gentle zaps and continuous sensations delighted me. What the heck was happening?!
Sensations continued throughout the night. At 4 a.m., I woke up rested. My husband also slept well.
It’s been over a week, and the zaps have calmed down, but I’m told they can happen when static electricity builds up from watching TV, etc.
What have I noticed? I’m calm for longer, I’m sleeping deeper and I feel more relaxed.
Besides sleeping on the sheet, we’re walking barefoot more often.
My feeling is that the effects are subtle and cumulative over time. Anything to combat the positive ions flowing through our increasingly electric world!
I recommend watching the documentary and deciding for yourself.
TAKEAWAY: One of the prominent obstacles to healing and well-being may be our beliefs. Most of us would agree it’s easier to try something our family and friends swear by. But some of the best purchases and experiences come without consulting anyone other than our gut. One such act may represent the beginning of an epic journey of personal growth and, possibly, a whole new way of life.
Did you watch the doc? I’d love to hear about your experience with it.
Here’s a link to the sheet we bought on Amazon.
Until next month,
Shana Lee